As part of our continuing Public Awareness/Education Program our company is required to contact those who own land within close proximity of our natural gas pipelines. These are some safety tips you should be aware of.

  1. Prior to any excavation (digging, trenching, planting etc.), call The Ohio Utilities Protection Service (O.U.P.S.) @ 1-800-362-2764 or 811, also online @ e-dig, a minimum of two working days in advance of any excavation activity. This is a free service to anyone who calls for a utility locate. Please mark your proposed excavation site with white flags or white paint before you call.
  2. Other Damage Prevention measures include line markers that display company information. These line markers are located along our facility right of ways, road crossings, bridge crossings, and at our measurement and regulator facilities.
  3. Natural gas has an excellent safety record, however it is a hazardous fuel and unintended releases do occur. Some of the indications of a possible natural gas release may include a smell distinctive odor similar to “rotten eggs”, or you may hear varying degrees of a hissing sound, or you may see blowing dirt or bubbling in creeks or ponds. You may also see unusual areas of dead vegetation.
  4. If you notice any of the above signs, do not try to stop or repair the unintended release of gas yourself or use anything that may create a spark, such as any phones, light switches, or engines. Be aware that even static electricity can be a source of ignition. The best plan of action is to leave the area immediately and call the facility owner or 911.


Please contact Suburban Natural Gas Company.


Lewis Center, Ohio

Cygnet, Ohio

More Information about Gas Safety