Suburban Natural Gas makes every attempt to assist customers who are having difficulty paying their gas bills. Customers should contact us immediately to make special arrangements.
Budget Payment Plan
As a convenience to customers, Suburban Natural Gas offers a Budget Payment Plan, starting in June and continuing through April of the following year. This voluntary plan spreads the cost of winter heating more evenly over the year. It won’t reduce your overall cost of home heating, but it can help to avoid peak winter bills so you can plan household expenses more conveniently.
Your bill in May shows the budget amount you’ll need to pay monthly during the coming year if you decide to join the Budget Payment Plan. You can pay that amount instead of the amount due that month to enroll automatically. At other times of the year, call us to determine what your current budget amount will be. The amount will be adjusted for the number of months remaining in the budget year.
One-sixth Payment Plan
Suburban Natural Gas works with customers who have past-due balances to set up a payment plan that divides the unpaid balance into equal payments over six months, plus the current bill.
One-ninth Payment Plan
A nine-month budget bill which includes one-ninth of past-due amount each month. The plan estimates usage for the nine-month period and may be adjusted periodically.
One-third Payment Plan
Available only during the heating season, you may pay one-third of your total bill, including any past-due amount.
Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP)
If your total household income is at or less than 150 percent of federal poverty guidelines, you might be eligible to pay just 10 percent of your monthly income for your gas bill year-round. The plan includes an arrearage crediting program that credits one-third of your initial balance at the end of the first year, one-half of your outstanding balance at the end of the second year, and any remaining unpaid balance at the end of the third year if PIPP payments are regularly made in full and on time during that period.