Printable Notice: Notice to Consumers 2019 Rate Change

On August 31, 2018, the Suburban Natural Gas Company (Suburban) filed an application with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) in Case No. 18-1205-GA-AIR, et al., requesting an increase in Suburban’s residential and small commercial rates. The increase was requested due to increased costs since the current rates were established, and the current rates were insufficient to provide Suburban with adequate compensation for the services provided.

Pursuant to Ohio law, Suburban published notice of a local public hearing regarding the rate increase, which was held in Delaware, Ohio on April 18, 2019. No public witnesses testified at the local hearing. A settlement between the PUCO Staff and Suburban was filed on May 23, 2019. After an evidentiary hearing was held, the PUCO, by its order dated September 26, 2019, adopted the settlement as filed and ordered an increase in rates phased in over three years. The stipulation approved an increase in the fixed monthly charge for all customers and no volumetric charge for residential and small commercial customers.

The new rates for year one of the three-year phase-in will become effective with bills rendered on or after September 30, 2019. Suburban’s rate design reflects separate rates for Small General Service (SGS), Large General Service (LGS), and Large General Transportation Service (LGTS) customers. Residential and small commercial customers with annual delivered volumes of less than 300,000 cubic feet (300 Mcf) are served under the SGS Rate. Customers with annual delivered volumes of 300 Mcf or more are served under the LGS Rate. The LGTS Rate is available to any commercial or industrial end-use customer who would qualify for retail sales service under the LGS Rate. The rate changes will result in the following new charges for year one of the increase:

Suburban also sought, and was granted, increases in certain one-time charges, including charges for reconnection ($20 to $36) and meter tests ($35 to $40 or $100 depending on meter type, with a free test every 3 years upon request), as well as new charges for field collections, tie-ins of service disconnected for unauthorized use, theft of service investigations, meter relocation, meter uprate, and excess flow valve installation.

Suburban’s goal continues to be to provide safe, reliable service to all of its customers as efficiently and economically as possible. If you have any questions about this notice, please contact Suburban from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, in our office in Cygnet, Ohio at (419) 655-2345 or Lewis Center, Ohio at (740) 548-2450 or by e-mail to Customers may view a copy of our tariffs at Suburban’s offices or on the PUCO website at